REET SUKK traverso and recorders
TAAVI-MATS UTT recorders
ANNA KOWALSKA baroque guitar

The creative co-operation between Luteduo and recorder duo from early music studio Cantores Vagantes started already during our studies in The Hague in the end of 1990s. During these years great amount of music has been played together. So, we took lots of time to make best selection for this program. Our main focus is on the 17th and 18th century music from England and France. We are fascinated by the concurrent similarities and differences of those styles. As usually we combine well-known music with very charming works by almost unknown composers. The acoustical possibilities of our combination of instruments are very inspiring. Our recorders, two treble instruments and two voice flutes, are very carefully made copies after the French origin English maker Bressan’s instruments. Together with traverso after Beukers our woodwinds are tuned in low pitch a=405 Hz which gives really special sound-color not only for winds but also for plucked instruments.

Pierre Danican Philidor (1681�1731)
Douxième Suite (Troisiéme Oeuvre, 1718)
Prelude � Allemande � Sarabande � La Parisienne � Chaconne

Mr. Baptist
Ground c-moll (The Division Violin, 1684)

Antoine Forqueray (1672-1745)
La Dubreuil – La Buisson /Suite nr. 2 G-dur (Pieces de viole, 1747)

Thomas Tollet ( ? � ca. 1696)
Ground (The first part of the Division Flute, 1706)

Jacques Hotteterre (1673�1763)
Ecos (Premier Livre de Pieces, 1715)

Marin Marais (1656�1728)
Suite (Pièces en trio, 1692)
Prelude � Sarabande � Rondeau � Caprice � Gavotte � Menuet � Autre � Fantaisie � La desol�e ou passacaille

A. Forqueray
La Regente � La Angrave /Suite nr 3 D-dur (Pièces de viole, 1747)

Henry Purcell (1659�1695)
Chaconne (The Prophetess, or The History of Dioclesian, 1690)

William Williams (1675�1701)
Sonata in imitation of birds (Six Sonata�s in Three Parts, 1700)
Adagio � Allegro � Grave � Allegro